Kim and Jeremy of JATSB |
After a few weeks away I finally got out of the sticks and back to Como to take are of business and see a couple
shows. Right now the weather is at a crossroads with things getting finally chilly enough to have to wear jeans at night
(as opposed to the cut offs and shorts I had been living in for months for the most part thanks to being able to since losing
my job). With school in session and tfall underway, things are also hectic as difficulties in finding work and the stress
related to it makes things difficult. Still, in these couple days I wish to shake off the hassle and try to enjoy myself.
While choosing the middle of the week is a less than optimal choice, there were two shows at Mojo's that fell into this time
frame that I wanted to see. Thus, here I am in Como to check things out and try to get some zinework done.
was a laid back atmosphere in the air whan Jerusalem and the Starbaskets came on to kick the night off. INstantly, things
changed as they tore into their near trademark post noise hard rock that took inspiration as much from folk and 60s art rock
as from noise. The pure wall of sound guitar and direct but perfect drumming nearly kicks you in the chest when Kim and Jeremy
are on fire. Tonight they were on fire blazing at their loyud yet melodic rock anthems to those interested in this show.
Yes, I know I run the risk of this reading like much of the other JATSB reviews but they can't help it. They are consistent
that fucking good live. See this band when you get the chance. Just DO IT - NOW! Do IT!
Colourmusic |

The band in the middle slot would be the one I approached with caution as while I'd heard a little bit of what Colourmusic
did, I didn't really know what to expect before tongiht. The Okalhoma based foursome plays music that blends noise rock feedback
and atmospherics with pop and garage rock hooks at times. Their sogns are sometimes catchy, sometimes dissonant and more
on a melodic (even risking poppiness) vein than the other band this night. While their poppier learning may tun off the more
HC/punk leaning contingent there to see the headliners, those people into Jane's Addiction or early Flaming Lipswill likely
enjoy Colourmusic and get a kick out of their live shows.
Then Bald Eagle took over the stage to headline the night and all hell broke loose up front. Fromt eh start they proceeded
to melt our faces with a show full of high powered post HC indie metal fistshakers. With slaboriffic guitars and a rhythm
section that decimates all in its path, they forced out aggressive pieces of sonic force that went off like a grenade in the
face. As usual they operated on the following modes: loud, whoa!, and holy fuck with no apologies whatsoever. People expect
Bald Eagle to put on a kick ass show, especially in their hometown and they didn't disappoint. While Bald Eagle still hasn't
become the official band of the Colbert Nation, they're still one of the best bands Columbia has now.

Bald Eagle rockin' da house |
Then the show was over. People hung out for a while but it was clear that we'd have to go sooner or later. As for me I headed
over to a friend's house where I was crashing and decided to see what was up. This was a show that was surprising, exhausting,
and plain up rocked. While its middle of the week situation may have hindered some people, it turned out to be a mindblowing
- Boone