As I type this winter is on teh verge of turning into spring. There's a new administration but things seem
bent on having to undo past mistakes. IN the meantime, the economy is still heading towards a brick wall and many people
(myself included) are cuaght in its crosshairs. At a time like this it's easy to cave in to the stress and hassles (especially
with the costs to get my car repaired and the like), but we need a release every now and then. It was that sort of thought
that brought me to Cafe Berlin for this show.
I'd never heard of Bleach Factory begore they started
their opening set tonight. This duo uses just guitar and drums to create a primal garage punk attach that's raw, crude,
and a little sloppy at some points. However, within that potential chaod here is a feel that finds a band with catchy,
rough songs and a lot of promise. The instrument switch near the end of the set seemed to be a slight misstep on this
night but they did manage to win some people over with their enregy. I wonder what will happen with Bleach Factory down
the line but I know I'll check them out again.
I'd seen Lunar Mansion once before and was a bit on
the fence in regards to them due to a drunken, somewhat chaotic performance. Thus, I was wondering (and to be honest
a little apprehensive) about what their set tonight would be like. This time around, the band seemed to be more in control
of their surroundings as they laid down a set of R&B flavored garage rock with some alternative leanings. While
there did seem to be more focus on covers than necessary, the band's performance was tighter and more to the point. While
Lunar Mansion still come across as a little sloppy at moments, there is a lot of growth and I'm goign to see what happens
to this band as time moves forward (yeah, I know it's a cliche but its true).

I didn't know what to expect when Terra Caput Mundi took the stage (setting up with dual bass drums and the like), but
they took the night somewhere completely different - metal. This St. Louis trio tore headlong into a set of thrash
metal with a definite vintage vibe. Scooped death tone guitar and double bass beats are in full disply here with their
sci fi themed songs. However, though the band deserves credit for approach and concept, they came off as a little sloppy
as the guitar and thrythm section seemed slightly disjointed. Maybe it's just the night or something with the tone but
something seemed off to me. I'm hoping it was an off night but at this point Terra Caput Mundi seems to be a decent
band having an off night.
After the show was the usual milling about. My friend Eddie and I
went out to get some breakfast before i went over to where I was crashing for the night. While it was good to get out
and do what I enjoy doing, I knew there was still quite a bit of stress to deal with. Still, the release was worth it.
- Boone
