DISASTER STRIKES – “The Interrogations Sessions” EP
I’d wanted to pick this up for a while but due to my complete lack of money and this
economy until I could get it recently. The latest from Disaster Strikes is full on mid tempo HC songs that aurally kick
you in the chest and shake you up. Taking on such topics as corporate control, waterboarding and torture, consumerism,
religion, and how these things interconnect (you’re kidding yourself if you think they don’t), the songs have
a vintage stile HC vibe with equal part charged fury, medium fast tempos, and a delivery full of anger and energy. This
is high powered and in your face, showing again what hardcore punk should be like – not the increasingly generic shirt
the corporations try to sell as hardcore. A brief energy blast here from a band I really want to see play live in concert
one day. (BOONE)
(Alternative Tentacles Records. P.O. Box 419092. San Francisco, CA 94141-9092