IRAN - "Buddy" CDEP
Recently I’ve found a lot of music that I’ve been meaning to get to but couldn’t
due to time and space constraints, so coming across this was yet another reminder of what can be one of the hazards of doing
a zine. The music on this EP builds slowly as a relatively tender quasi acoustic song gets heavier as it moves along.
This dichotomy finds itself between pure unplugged (a cover of John Lennon’s “Isolation”) and totally
amped up free riffage (“Airport ‘77”). Are they indie? Noise pop? The answer is both –
and neither. It is an interesting crossbreeding of both subgenres and shows a band that may evolve into something really
interesting. At about seven minutes, this EP is a good introduction to a band that many haven’t known about until
recently (myself included). I wonder what their new one will be like. (BOONE)