DESTRUCTORS 666 - "Malleus Maleficarum"
This came
our way a while back but I hadn't been able to get to it because of space
constraints as well as some other relatively minor (if painful) situations I
had to deal with. This time around Destructors
666 take the horror themes they sometimes explore in their music in a somewhat
spell bound direction singing of devil dolls, sex hexs, witches, and the like
with a melodic straight up in your face approach and a lot of overdriven
guitars. What arises from this aural
boiling cauldron is an intoxicating brew of punk rock with slight hints of
hardcore, metal and garage rock added for extra flavor. The catchiness of this
EP as well as the
theme through the songs offers up something here that demands to be heard. They're
not everyone's cup of sake but
Destructors 666 are carrying on the punk mission with their sonic flag held
high. Check this out.
(Rowdy Farrago Records. Flat 4. 101 Park Rd.
Peterborough. U.K. PC1 21R