LOS MONGOLICOS – “Litterbox Days” download EP
This was
one of those things that I downloaded more out of curiosity than anything
else. On most of this EP, Los Mongolicos
play stripped down rough punk rock with simple songs and a three chord
delivery. Then the band shifts gears
with a quasi reggae inflected track with relatively long guitar solo in full
force. Lyrically, much of this seems to
be sung from the point of view of a cat (at least on the first and third songs)
which seems strange before you figure that out.
I know this may be a little off-putting for some readers or be seen as a
novelty, but the music is fairly solid and keeps things moving forward. This isn’t
a reinvention of the wheel but Los
Mongolicos manages to create something entertaining that, while seeming a
little silly, is enjoyable. (BOONE)
(Stan Records)