This has
had a fairly regular spot on the CD player et al since we finally got a copy so
it's fitting to finally get to really review it. Pansy Division's latest is a
collection of catchy rockers that draw from a diverse well that features power
pop , glam rock, and vintage HC as much as the pop punk they're best known
for. On a foundation of two guitars and
a ton of melodies, these songs can go from personal to attack homophobia in
multiple forms to critiquing standard masculinity to sports and back in a
varied yet somehow cohesive effort that explores the many faces of rock music
with a catchiness and irreverence at times to match. Jon, Chris, Joel, and Luis
have created what
may be their best album yet in their nearly 20 year history. This CD is also among
the three tied at
number one for best album of the past year or so. A must have, in my honest (if
a little bit
biased) opinion. (BOONE)
(Alternative Tentacles Records. P.O. Box
419092. San Francisco, CA