GHOST – “The Unimaginative Body” LP
been meaning to check this out for a long time but hadn’t gotten to it due to
circumstances beyond my control that I had to deal with. On this album Golden
Ghost performs
minimalist indie folk built mainly on sparse electric guitar and some
occasional drumming. Making full use of
available space, these songs are personal in nature with an intimacy that’s
disarming yet suggests there’s a lot more that’s underneath the surface if you
care to listen deeper. Delivered in a
direct manner the music here is both fragile yet has a weight to it, often
without the listener really realizing what just happened. Golden Ghost has put
out an album that exists
in the indie realm though isn’t necessarily totally beholden to it, creating
something with the same appeal as her live shows. I wish I could’ve really
checked this out
sooner. (BOONE)