SYMPHONY – “Dead Tongues” EP
of the double-edged swords in putting out a print zine is the necessity of a
backlog pile. On one hand it’s
inevitable that some things will get pushed back for various reasons. Unfortunately,
sometimes things get lost and
you come across a very pleasant surprise.
Once again Knife the Symphony tear into a brief batch of high-energy
post HC built on dissonant guitars and powerful rhythms with male and female
vocals laid over the top. The songs are
tight with oblique lyrics that hint at unrest and angst though they may also
explore personal situations throughout.
Delivered with equal parts anger and passion, Knife the Symphony’s
latest disc is an aggressive in your face disc that reinvents post HC punk and
shapes some of it in their own image.
Wish I would’ve gotten to it before now.
(Phratry Records. P.O. Box
14267. Cincinnati, OH