finally catching up on some of the music that seemed to end up in backlog over
the past few months and I came across this disc and had to check it out. On this album Last Under The Sun take their
chaotic yet hook fueled type of HC punk into an area that’s rough and
ragged. Their songs about environmental
devastation, dreams, greed, anger, and calls to action are dished out in a
manner that aims for the throat throughout.
However, there are also elements of acoustic guitar here as well as some
samples subtly woven in at some points.
Lying a bit more on melody than some would expect, this band manages to
build on HC’s legacy and come out with something that’s familiar yet has
something within the music that you can’t quite figure out. Last Under the Sun may have taken a while to
release this disc but pull off yet another example of why punk and HC still
sticks to you when it is honest and real. It took us a while to really listen
to this but we’re damn glad we did in the long run. (BOONE)
(Iron Man Records. P.O. Box 9121. Birmingham. B13 8AU. England.