THE DOLLYROTS – “A Little Messed Up”
Okay, this is one of those albums I am sad about not getting to before but the backlog got kinda
neglected in the face of several family issues and the struggle not to become completely rudderless, so I didn’t really
get to fully listen to this to now. The latest from The Dollyrots shows the trio taking their poppy (though not really
pop) punk sonic template and moving in some different areas. While much of the songs are the high energy guitar fueled
raveups that stay in your head and won’t let up, the band also dips their toes into a more rock style production on
some tracks and even does a couple of ballads. At their hearts though, this band still throws down catchy rockers about
love, lust, phony people, life in California, payback, and outsiders among other things – with blend of humor and anger
beneath what seems to be sugary sweet oldies flavored choruses. The last few years have seen The Dollyrots go through
a lot but the band has emerged with an album that manages to walk the fine line between rock hooks and punk abandon that grows
with repeat listens. Color me surprised – and impressed. (BOONE)
(Blackheart Records)