KEY LOSERS – “Adjust” download EP
Picked this up (as a download with a poster) when I saw her perform at
Ragtag last fall but hadn’t fully been able to really check this out until recently. On her first EP, Key Losers
play an arty type of rock that combines lo fi indie affability with song twists that call to mind psychedelic music and art
rock with said subgenre’s sense of experimenting intact. Blending stark electric guitar with simple drums, these
personal tales are intimate yet can take you by surprise at the drop of a hat. Backward parts and effects tweaked instruments
appear at some points, providing texture and adding a spacey flair to some of these songs. It’s a unique aural
ride that can take the listener in different directions at odd times but one that keeps you interested within these nine songs.
Key Losers’ music isn’t for everyone but there’s something here that those seeking something different
from the typical pop norm (either mainstream or indie) should really check out. (BOONE)