I’ve been
meaning to get to check out this split EP for a while (picked it up last time I
saw Disaster Strikes), but hadn’t been able to really listen until recently due
to a number of reasons. Disaster Strikes
throws down with a batch of sharp socially aware HC with songs about the health
care crisis, religion, and the increasing classism in our society. All delivered with loud fast tempos and
crunchy guitar hooks. On the other side
Bring Down The Hammer offer up a loud grind blasts that tackle classism,
religious wars and the privatization of public lands, all in songs that explode
like an IED in both sound and brevity.
Both bands excel in powerful heavy music that seeks to explore the
issues too often ignored in our society – and do a damn good job at it. As I said before I’ve needed to
hear this before,
and now I’m kicking myself for not doing so sooner. (BOONE)
(Overdose On Records. P.O. Box 525.
Fleetwood, PA 19522.