FARMERS BOULEVARD – “Fear, Loss, Deadication” CDEP
We got a chance to snag a review
copy of this a while back but hadn’t been able to get around to it until
recently for too many reasons to state here.
This German band deals out loud and proud hardcore with hoarse, near
growled vocals, guitars that bore into your skull, and continue pummeling. There’s an angry vibe to this batch
of new
and old songs (two of the songs are previously released from old demos) but it
fits the music like a hand in a glove, even if you’re not totally certain what
the songs are about. FB’s approach to
hardcore may shock some people who’ve accepted the crossover metal that
currently co-opts the term, but readers who want to hear things aimed straight
for the throat sonically will want to check this out, even if it means going
online to do so. (BOONE)