Came across this in the singles stacks when looking for something
else to review only to realize I hadn’t really listened to this yet, so I put it on the record player. Bloodwall
(a/k/a: Graham Baldwin) lays down a minimalist almost drone like music that draws heavily from both ambient music and the
blues. With only a resonator guitar, drum machines, and some synths/samples, he creates songs that feel at times as
if the Middle East was ripped from the Earth and dropped upon the Mississippi Delta. There is a moodiness here that
lures the listener in with a simplicity that slightly conceals the unease beneath the surface. The music here is neither
blues nor ambient nor noise, but takes elements of all three styles and males its own sonic print herein. After listening
to this seven-inch I really wish I had gotten to this sooner. (BOONE)
(Graham Baldwin/Bloodwall.
2208 16th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55404)