Okay, as I was checking
my past few issues to see if all in the backlog review file was as it should be it came to my attention that I hadn’t
gotten to this album yet; I knew I had to correct that. The latest from Kim and Jeremy further harnesses the duo’s
tweaked out acid country fried indie rock sound into potent semi personal tales built on a contrast between reverbed out vocals,
contrasting clean/wall of noise guitar, and in the pocket beats that stay true to the song. The band’s country
leanings are coming out more but manages to draw the rock side out more clearly than before with a driving midtempo energy
that’s both moody yet celebratory (it makes sense when you listen to it). JATSB has always been somewhat unique
sonically, but with time their sonic vision is coming more to fruition than before – to great result. Dost is
one of those albums that moves psychedelia, country rock, and noise rock into a potent, unique style of underground rock that’s
all their own. Yes, I admit a bias for this band (they did headline our 100th issue show a year and a half ago), but
there’s a reason this is popping up on a lot of best of 2011 lists on blogs that have little or nothing to do with what
we’re about – they’re just that fucking good. Listen to this album and discover for yourself, if you
haven’t already done so. (BOONE)
(De Stijl Records)