AVAST - “The Heights” download EP
I came across this a while back and was curious
but hoped in vain for a CD version only to eventually get the download. Avast’s debut EP delivers relatively modern
melodic punk with short, hook laden songs built on power chords and hoarse lead vocals that hints at bands ranging from Samiam
to early Against Me. Stripped down and a bit buzzy, the songs seem to have an anthemic vibe to the choruses but also
has a personal feel at other times. There is a vibe that breezes by as the songs continue, often with them ending before
you’re even aware of it (the whole EP clocks in at under 15 minutes). While Avast does wear their influences on
their sleeves, there’s an energy here that suits the songs perfectly and their relative newness allows them a lot of
leeway on what to do with their sound if they stick with it. The Heights is an interesting, solid meat and potatoes
punk EP. (BOONE)