DEERHOOF/DAVID BAZAN - “Deerbazan” single
This is the most recent
single of Deerhoof’s recent series of collaboration singles where guest vocalists take a Deerhoof instrumental
and add their own lyrics to ‘em to create something new. This time around David Bazan takes the track “No
One Asked to Dance” and adds his own spin to this with a introspective ballad (adding his name to the title as
well). the flip side finds Bazan covering the Headphones’ “Gas and Matches,” with a simmering bittersweet
feel and slightly dirtied guitars creating a track that’s part burning indie rock/part battle cry. this single is an
interesting aural journey that fans of both artists would dig but can also appeal to people unfamilair with either Deerhoof
or Bazan., Very interesting. (BOONE)
(Polyvinyl Records. 206 N. Randolph St. Suite M100. Champaign, IL 61820.