THE SHONDES - “Searchlights” LP
I know this had been out for a while
now but I’ve been having to go through backlog and this kept getting on my turntable but couldn’t really review
it until now. The latest from the Shondes is energetic high octane melodic yet terse rock’n’roll full of crunchy
guitar chords and fluid violin on these personal calls to action. Blending uptempo hooks with sometimes introspective
subject matter, the band’s songs go through human emotion and longing, connecting to a larger picture in the process
with a light at the end of the tunnel. The band’s melodic sense and punk instincts have been harnessed here into a high
energy sound that lures you in and won’t let go. Poppy but far from pop, The Shondes have gone from strength to
strength, capturing the whole of human experience in these songs. The result is one of the best albums of the end of last
year/early this year and one you should turn your friends on to. (BOONE) (Exotic Fever Records. 2012 Frankford Avenue,
2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19125.