UNCLE – “Emotional Drama With A Strong Female Lead”
After seeing
this band live at Diva Haus a while back I had to pick up their cassette and
check it out. Gay Uncle’s debut tape
starts with a sample nicked off a Christian radio show, before tearing through
throws down some raw and primal medium fast powerviolence with some hints of
vintage HC thrown into the sonic melee.
Wall of sludge guitar and relatively unrelenting blast beats underlie
Dylan and Conor’s short fast blasts about cops, college town life, jock punk
mentality and other similar topics with a blend of anger and defiance. Recorded on a 4 track, the cassette has a lo-fi
vibe throughout but manages to persevere with an intensity that reveals how DIY
music should come across. A must have
for fans of vintage hardcore punk and someone craving some raw powerviolence.
Only 25 of these tapes exist to my knowledge, so if all else fails get the
download. (BOONE)
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