SPIT – “The Spit” cassette
It's taken me
a while but I finally got through some of the backlog and am able to sit down
and really listen to the debut cassette from The Spit. The band's rough edged
melodic punk is in
full force here. Songs about bosses,
death, life et al are blasted out with buzzy guitars that blend hard driving
energy with harmonies that connect with a rough around the edges charm that's
made the band a potent live act locally.
It's a fairly brisk aural run that manages
to walk the fine line between
poppy melodies and rough DIY punk spirit without sacrificing one or the other
or succumbing to the cliches a lesser band could fall into. It's been
an interesting ride to see this
band going from strength to strength over the past year or so and I wonder what
will happen if they stick with it.
you haven't heard them yet please get it.
(Cassette available from Distro Sux (at least locally). download available at: