THE DESTRUCTORS - “Sex , Drugs, & Rock n Roll” CD
This came our way a while
back but I couldn’t really get to it until now for the typical reasons when one person does most of the work on something
like this. This album finds the Destructors combining what was about to be three EPs into an album about sex, drugs,
and rock’n;roll (in that order). What rises is short fast punk songs that explore the sometimes warped take on
the subjects that include such things as potential rapey football (soccer, for us Yanks) players, BDSM, crack whores, getting
stoned, and rock n roll among other things. Throw in some covers of songs by The Ruts, Supersuckers, and the Dwarves
and you have some general idea of what will go down here. It won’t be everyone’s pint of lager though fans
of stripped down punk will likely enjoy it. Listen at your own risk. (BOONE)