I was busy searching online for something and decided
to search for music and found this band so I decided to give them a listen. The debut EP from this band is midtempo
indie rock (for lack of a better term) blending a clean/fuzzy guitar contrast with personal songs and a slight hint of lo-fi
to their fairly poppy mix. Slightly edgy but staying relatively pop, the band appears to draw from an early 80s power
pop/new wave ethos throughout, giving the songs a different feel that avoids cliche “indie” music these days.
Fans of pop music and vintage new wavey stuff will likely find this band interesting. Since this was released
they’ve changed their name to Young Creatures and I wonder how the name change will effect their music. Regardless,
if you want something midtempo and kinda poppy, give this a listen and make up your own mind. (BOONE)