I've been
really psyched to hear this for a while so when I finally got a chance to pick
this up I jumped at the chance. On We
Come In Peace D.O.A go full steam ahead and deliver a diverse set of audio
battle cries that use their hardcore punk roots as a jumping off point. Kicking off with high energy rockers, the
listener is taken on a journey that incorporates folk, ska, melodic rock, and
reggae into the mix. Song wise, they
take on everything from revenge fantasies, class inequality, war, the Occupy
movement, Spaghetti western leaning folk tales, and offers to lost souls within
the musical road which manages to mix the band's penchant for political
commentary with touches of sick humor.
High energy and well written, the music here shows the band moving from
strength to strength with a broad aural vision and lots of passion. There is a mix of anger and hope here that
makes this album what looks likely to be a fitting epitaph for them with Joe
Keithley's run for office in British Columbia.
If you haven't heard this album yet please do so. (BOONE)
(Sudden Death Records.
Cascades P.O. Box 43001. Burnaby, BC Canada V5G 3H0 suddendeath.com)