FICTION – “Prison Van” LP
I picked this slab
up when I saw them play
the Hairhole a while back and finally had the time to get to review mode for
this. The latest from Big Fiction is
full of throw down the wall noise leaning punk with screamed vocals and wall of
crunch bordering on feedback guitars.
The songs walk a fine line between taut hooks and pure dissonant skronk
at times with an anger that seems to bubble under the surface through the walls
of distortion. Loud and aggressive, this
band delivers their songs with no apologies or excuses. Big Fiction is a band that will polarize with
a sound they admit is “HEAVY AND LOUD.”
However, fans of early 90s noise rock will enjoy this (if they can find
the vinyl) and this may also appeal to fans of post HC and scream to some
extent. (BOONE)
available at $10.00 from: Download (and some vinyl) available from: [see page for pricing])