This disc had us curious when we first learned about it
so we jumped at gettig it when we had a chance to check it out. Last Under the Sun's latest is a raw and intense sonic
ride of hardcore punk with some slight thrash influences at points. Tackling war, survival, and unrest, the band delivers
furious songs with all of semi scooped tone guitars and a rhythm section that throws down throughout the various directions
the band takes on this five song ride. This is a band that goes for the throat and threatens to explode upon impact.
Was only online for a while but Iron Man got this on disc for those who dig wanting a hard copy for these crushing songs.
LATS know who they are and don't make any allusions to be something different - and we're better for that approach.
(Iron Man Records. P.O. Box 9121. Birmingham. B13 8AU. England.