BURGER THIRST - EP This came my way when I saw them play at the final Hairhole weekend but I hadn’t
really been able to hear this until now. The latest even-inch from Burger Thirst is a short sharp shock of frantic punk
adrenaline that is part driving ferocity, part power chord edge that can turn into fast blurs of almost shredlike guitar lines
on a dime. The songs are part calls to action, part obtuse semi personal statements that come off at full throttle but
take you somewhere you don’t always expect. know this EP has been out a while but I know some of you readers
will find this of interest. Check it out if you’re one of those people. (BOONE)
(For more
information: Burger Thirst. 3030 13th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55407. burgerthirst@gmail.com. Downloads of most tracks available at: burgerthirstmpls.bandcamp.com)