JULES CRESPY - "Untitled" cassette EP
I know this has been out for a while but I hadn't had a chance to really hear this until recently so the
review had to wait until now. The debut EP from this local (to the best of my knowledge) singer-songwriter is
basic and direct folk music that tells stories in a succinct and direct manner. Staying in the personal realm he sings
of aging couples in the sunset of life,
facing one's own fears, growing older, and the like. Stripped down to only voice and acoustic guitar, Jules'
approach is to let the song do the talking, eschewing production windowdressing and studio tricks. While a
little sedate for some taste, his direct sonic approach lets the songs breathe in a way that a lot of folk influenced
music that travels a different path is
unable to do. Untitled shows an artist who draws from tradition but isn't necessarily a revivalist in the process. With
a debut like this I'm curious about what he'll do next. (BOONE)
(Cassette tape available from Dismal Niche Tapes @ dismalniche.com. Download available from julescrespy.bandcamp.com)