This had been out for a while but I heard rumors but decided to wait to really check it out until the issues regarding
it coming out on a large circular disc were proven true (it got reissued on vinyl in April 2014). The debut full length by
Little Big Bangs is a hard driving group of raw punk influenced rock with rough dual guitar fury that sometimes veers to feedback
over some tough hooks for songs that go for the throat and refuse to let up. Lyrically they can go from personal observations
to weaving in larger issues throughout the mix. It's a sonic ride that's rough around the edges but reveals more with listening
than they initially let on. Building on their demo from a couple years back Little Big Bangs have harnessed the sonic fury
of their live shows into an album that presents the songs clearly while maintaining the band's overall sonic feel. It's an
aggressive ride but definitely worth checking out. (BOONE)
(Vinyl and CD available from the band or at local record stores. Download available from: