GRAN MAL - cassette
This is a bittersweet event to review this as it marks a big change. This tape finds Gran Mal delivering some raw HC
punk with an occasional dash of free jazz guitar leads on a couple of songs. Wall of saturated amp guitars and fast tempos
drive these angry songs with a somewhat simple production and next to no frills. Aiming for the gut, this trio goes for the
jugular and refuses to let up. While not as polished as younger punk fans may expect, Gran Mal offer what a tape with the
mid fi feel that calls to mind what punk and hardcore was like back when it was far more of a threat than now. I do have
to add though that this tape marks the end of an era as Nate would leave the band before the tape was released leaving the
remaining members to mutate into Grand Maul. While that is slightly sad, the music on this cassette is more than worth checking
out and paying attention to. (BOONE)
(Cassette available from: Dismal Niche tapes: Doanload available at: