I admit that sometimes seven inch vinyl can get a little sidetracked around here; in a world of downloads and CDs some
people even forget the format is still around. So when I had some free time lately and was going through some singles, I
came across this EP and decided to give it a listen. This is noisy vintage style hardcore that thrives on wall of noise guitars
and the medium to fast tempo aggression that for many is the sub-genre's trademark. Here, their songs take on topics such
as credit card and quick cash debt, partying, and scene violence to name a few topics. The production is a little rough but
the band seems to make it work to their advantage. Overall this little slab of vinyl shows that hardcore hasn't necessarily
gone totally into the metal realm, regardless of what certain larger and well known bands give that impression (no need to
mention them here but one breeds something - I don't know what). This EP is a breezy, quick listen that HC fans will likely
dig. (BOONE)
(Bacon Towne Records. P.O. Box 1063. Tallevast, FL 34270)