SURVIVAL KNIFE - "Divine Mob"/"Snakebit"
Had heard a lot about Survival Knife through the grapevine and had meant to check this out but hadn't had the time due
to work et al until recently. "Divine Mob" is a terse driving piece of post HC punk rock built on hoarse vocals
and a well arranged mix of overdriven and skronky guitar parts. "Snakebit" is a mid-tempo blast that builds tension
throughout with a raw and rough vibe that simmers until it reaches the boiling point. Both sides of this seven-inch blast
through the speakers with a power and energy that embraces the spirit of punk rock while recasting it in the band's own image.
I know this may polarize some harder core than thou types but Survival Knife manages to pique the attention of those willing
to venture a little further into the punk rock audio template. Need to hear more from this band (BOONE)
(Kill Rock Stars)