ENDLESS BUMMER - "Ripper Current" EP
Been meaning to check this out for a while but had been sidetracked by life, work, et al. Endless Bummer throws down
a raw primal as hell garage rock/punk hybrid that delivers short nasty songs built on straight ahead drum beats and a fuzzy
reverb laden guitar sound. Snide lyrics and a sonic chip on the shoulder meld together for a brief blast of hard and dirty
rock'n'roll at its most basic. Short and to the point, Endless Bummer's debut takes garage rock and scruffs it up a bit,
leaving in a nasty feel but a focus on the song that should snare fans of some of the more punk leaning garage rock out there.
If you're one of those people this is a seven-inch that you should give a spin. (BOONE)
(Vinyl available from: In The Red Records. P.O. Box 50777. Los Angeles, CA 90050. Download from: endlessbummerband.bandcamp.com)