ANI KYD - "Entangle" download EP
This release came under the radar but piqued my curiosity so I took the chance and downloaded it. On this EP Ani Kyd
breaks from the artsy industrial and metal based music of her previous work for a more streamlined attack. What emerges from
this are near minimalist songs with a stripped down approach featuring smoky simmering vocals, sparse instrumentation (bass,
keyboards, drums or drum loops), and a vibe closer to trip hop at points than rock or punk. Within that is a more ominous
feel that simmers until it finally comes to the surface near the end of this audio journey in sonic/stylistic shifts that
one must hear to believe. Yeah, it's only available in the systems of tubes but it should be available anywhere downloads
can be gotten, from the usual sources we don't have to name. (BOONE)
(Alternative Tentacles Records. P.O. Box 419092. San Francisco, CA 94141-9092.