OFF! - "Wasted Years" LP
Been meaning to get to this for a while but had been distracted by work, life issues, and the like that sometimes interferes
with getting to review mode. On their latest album OFF! throw down more of the vintage style loud fast hardcore punk that
they've both made their trademark and is their birthright. Medium fast driving songs full of warm crunchy power chord guitar
and snide vocals are in full effect here. Snide and a bit angry, their songs are calls against the apathy of everyday life,
whether it be minor things or the larger sense of unease created by those in power. Rough around the edges and unapologetic,
this band proves once again that punk rock and hardcore can still be vital and fresh sounding. OFF! doesn't claim to be what
they’re not and I think we're the better for it. (BOONE)
(Vice Records)