CAYETANA - "Nervous Like Me" LP
I first learned of this band when I saw them opening for The Menzingers and Lemuria last summer but couldn't afford to
pick up this album (they had brought some on tour to sell pre-release) thus meaning I didn't have a chance to hear it until
recently. On their debut full-length Cayetana offer up a simmering hybrid of punk meets indie pop full of bittersweet toned
overdriven guitars and breezy vocals. Managing to seem both semi introspective and assertive, these songs of relationships
and their ups and downs can range from longing to a sense of persevering amidst it all. Moving at a breezy pace, the band
doesn't force the energy but lets things build up at a steady pace until reaching impact. While it's easy to spot Cayetana's
influences the band has managed to show themselves to be using it as a potential springboard rather than slavishly staying
in that mold. If you like melodic, or even poppier, leaning with your punk on occasion then this is an album you might want
to check out for yourself. (BOONE)