I've been curious about this band for a while and was waiting for a chance to check them out so when I learned they would
finally have an album out I took the plunge and gave it a listen. Hurry Up's debut is taut and tense underground rock that
draws elements from noise, indie, and punk along the way. Sometimes dissonant guitar melds with a always on point rhythm
section to create some driving songs that explore personal themes with a rough production and a sonic grab of the collar.
Built on a medium-fast pace the songs simmer in their intensity; even sometimes veering into wall of noise guitar tones.
Somehow they manage to keep the music moving forward throughout. This sonic journey fuses several traits too often considered
mutually exclusive these days and finds the common ground to snare you and make you curious for more. Not to self- need to
get this album. (BOONE)
(Vinyl available from or Army of Bad Luck.