SPLIT FEET - "Shame Parade" cassette
I was hoping to review this a while back but he delay in the cassette actually coming out made me decide to wait until
now to review it. The debut full-length from Split Feet delivers a driving blend of punk and overtones of vintage death rock.
Simmering tempos fuel songs built on bittersweet guitar hooks and vocals that feel part personal, part commentary on the
world around them with songs tackling societal expectations of women, rape, and other things. The music here is moody, occasionally
jagged, but has a sense of urgency that comes through these eight songs that demands to be heard. Split Feet's music walks
the line between punk and indie/art (death rock, in particular) but manages to avoid being too derivative of any of those
subgenres. Need to hear more from this band. (BOONE)
(Cassette available from Accidental Guest Recordings [accidentalguest.bigcartel.com]. Download available from: splitfeet.bandcamp.com)