TENSOR - "Demo 2015" cassette EP
I came across this when I saw Tensor play Diva Fest at the end of July but hadn't been able to listen to this until recently.
This band tears up short fast blasts of hardcore punk with angry personal lyrics dished out amongst these intense blasts
of distorted guitar and furious beats. Songs take on the bro attitude in hardcore, societal barriers, expectations of women
in our society, et al with full on blasts and screams of anger throughout. In your face and aggressive, the band's batch
of songs go for the jugular and refuse to let up until they are heard in all their raw and ragged sonic glory. Tensor aren't
the slickest band in the scene and they have every intent of using that to their advantage. This is one of those bands I
find myself definitely curious about. Check them out if this sounds even a little interesting to you. (BOONE)
(Cassette sold out. Download available from tensorpdx.bandcamp.com)