GHASTLY CITY SLEEP - "Lulling Skulls" double LP
This was something that came to my attention recently so I decided to listen out of curiosity. Ghastly City Sleep lulls
the listener into a collection of mid-tempo indie rock soundscapes built upon ambient synth textures, simmering (sometimes
programmed) beats, and minimalist guitar that lurks under the surface until ready to strike and mark the song in question.
Full of atmospherics and ambient leanings, there's a moodiness here that lingers throughout the songs, managing to be both
introspective and danceable at points. The sonic ride explores a more subconscious path but emerges amidst the layered song
craft with the vibe intact. While I know this might not please some of the readers out there (especially those harder core
than thou types) Ghastly City Sleep have created an album that lingers over the listener and shows that sometimes moody simmering
layers can have a similar visceral sonic punch as a kick down the barriers power chord. (BOONE)
(Exotic Fever Records. 2021 Frankford Avenue, 2nd Floor. Philadelphia, PA 19125.