THE THERMALS - "We Disappear" LP
Finding out about this album was a surprise indeed so when I had a chance to hear it I decided to stream it and listen.
Kicking off with a squeal of feedback, the band emerges from this with a further harnessing of the simmering blend of punk
fury and pop hooks that's become their trademark. With guitars on bittersweet overdrive and a mid tempo feel that aims for
the throat throughout, these personal songs walk the thin line between catchy relationship tales and personal introspection
over what may have gone wrong. Existing sonically somewhere between crunch and jangle, the music often breezily carries the
songs, gluing together what appears to be a tale of love, loss, and trying to pick up the pieces. This isn't a party record
per se but an album that explores some of the most human situations around us and manages to put it to some hook powered song
craft for overall effect. The Thermals have always managed to create overly catchy songs that have something lurking underneath,
and here they've harnessed it into one of this year's best albums to date. (BOONE)
(Saddle Creek Records. P.O. Box 8554. Omaha, NE 68108-0554