This split came our way a while back but, due to other circumstances, ended up in the backlog pile where it might have
gotten lost if I didn't come across it while straightening up recently. The Ruined play a HC leaning style of horror punk
that matches full throttle go for broke song attacks with atmospheric synths (I think) to create a pair of tracks (in full
disclosure, one of the songs they do may be a cover) that go for the throat in their own way. Destructors 666's songs are
more melodic yet based in a snide driving vibe that owes an obvious debt to early punk's knack for hooks and riffs; the latter
song definitely having a groove you can feel. Fairly brief and to the point, each band offers up a pair of songs that may
seem similar to those unfamiliar with the genre, but take it somewhere completely different in the process. I know people
sometimes are reluctant to pick up something they're unfamiliar with these days but I have a feeling that most punks are going
to find something they'll enjoy with this little EP. (BOONE)
(Rowdy Farrago Records. c/o Flat 1. 101 Park Road. Peterborough, Cambs, PE1 2TR. England.)