HAR MAR SUPERSTAR - "Best Summer Ever" LP
We were wondering about this ever since we learned that he was touring again so when I got a chance to stream the album
before it came out I decided to dive in and give it a listen. On his latest, Har Mar Superstar offers up a diverse and moody
sonic journey that kicks off with a pair of synth fueled electro slow jams. From there Har Mar and company take the listener
on an emotional journey that travels through said R&B sub-genre with steps in synth pop, vintage soul and raw and straight
in your face garage rock along the way. While at first listen it seems an abrupt change from the vintage R&B influence
of his previous album, the music's diversity is really a harnessing of the past 16 or so years of his musical path, managing
to both embrace and transcend his pop and modern R&B elements in the process. All the while the songs take the listener
through With this album Har Mar Superstar has created one of those discs that can be both in a time but not of said time in
all the best ways. (BOONE)
(Cult Records)