ARNOCORPS - The Unbelievable EP
I remember briefly seeing a mention of this on social media (a page that doesn't need our publicity) but hadn't gotten
around to listening to this until putting this issue together. Once again Arnocorps throws down some tight melodic punk laced
with hints of HC based on "epic tales" they felt have been misinterpreted into comedies such as "Junior,"
"Kindergarten Cop" and "Twins." Full of oversaturated guitar tones and tongues firmly in cheek, the band
delivers these odes to Arnold Schwarzenegger with tight crunchy song hooks and not breaking character throughout. I admit
that Arnocorps probably won't be everyone's flask of whiskey but readers who want some driving rock with a sense of humor
are likely to enjoy this record. (BOONE)
(Alternative Tentacles Records. P.O. Box 419092. San Francisco, CA 94141-9092. USA.