DOWNTOWN BOYS - Cost of Living LP
This is one of those albums that a lot of people (including myself) was curious about, so when I had a chance to listen
to a pre-release stream of it I jumped at a chance. On their third album Downtown Boys deliver a driving occasionally arty
take on punk rock where in your face rhythms, fiery guitars and the occasional saxophone (and/or keyboard) blast through power
songs that tangle with issues ranging from the proposed border wall (and the racism behind it) to class struggles and above
with lyrics in English and Spanish. High energy and aimed for the kill these songs are both catchy and incendiary with a
power that can explode at any moment. Downtown Boys had a lot riding on this album awhile making it and managed to go past
what was expected of them in the process. This album reveals more with repeat listens and shows what punk still has the potential
to be in a time where punk seems too often by the numbers. Give it a listen and make up your own mind. (BOONE)
(Sub Pop)