I finally got the time to check this out so I took the plunge and checked out a stream online. On his latest album Homeless
Gospel Choir offers up songs that blend the personal and political that uses his punk folk as a springboard to more expansive
sonic palettes from near country folk to straight up punk. With song topics ranging from dealing with seasonal depression
and not fitting in to inequality and death, the music pushes these tales of life and struggle with a power and energy with
the details and nuances a fleshed out arrangement can reveal. The result is far different from his just the basic acoustic
guitar solo gigs but manages to compliment the songs nicely in the process. Having heard some of these songs live a few months
back it was interesting to hear them in this context. Presents: Normal finds Homeless Gospel Choir taking their sound in
new areas that could find them tripping over obstacles but thankfully came out fine. This is an album you should definitely
check out. (BOONE)
(A-F Records)